
The Era of Cereal Boxes - History, Innovation & Latest Trends

In the hustle of our daily routines, we often run out of time to prepare proper healthy breakfasts. As it is an important part of our lives, individuals, especially the working ones, try to look out for options that are quick and handy to prepare.

Cereals are one such product that are a preferred choice of many as a go-to breakfast snack. Their light-on-stomach nature and health benefits, as well as a variety of flavors add to their massive demand in the market. And that stands as a solid reason behind the nonpareil demand for custom cereal boxes in the market.

This post explains the major changes that cereal boxes went through in recent times, and some of the top trends that we can see for custom printed cereal boxes in 2024.

A Quick Tale Behind Cereal Packaging

The story begins back in the 19th century when cereals were first introduced by health reformers such as John Kellogg. These were first sold in plain and drab packaging that had no branding details, and were simply labelled as food items that assist in digestion.

The first ever box that was created in 1906 by the Kellogg company acted as a game changer for the brand, helping it get maximum attention of the end-users. In the start, these boxes were quite simple in design but by the 1930s, these got much more vibrant, and started including visuals to attract maximum audience.

These boxes then became a battleground for brands, with each brand struggling to earn the top spot in the market and become the first choice of the consumers.

Impact of Design Changes on Consumer Behaviour

Cereal boxes are designed to entice the target users that consist of all age groups. Normally red and yellow hues are selected keeping in view the color psychology and its impact on the consumer behaviour.

These colours have a dire focus on elevating hunger and creating a sense of excitement, health and nature among the end-users. Moreover, for kids’ cereals, the characters are placed at positions to have direct eye contact with them.

For all health freaks, there are certain words like whole-grain, whole-wheat, low calories, etc. that instantly pique their attention. The serving size and position of these worthy cereals is done carefully so as to impact their buying decisions directly.

Every single element on these boxes is carefully inspected for compliance with health and quality standards which testifies the brand’s solid approach towards assuring quality in these cereal packaging boxes.

Adding Interactive Features to Cereal Boxes

With the recent innovations in the digital world, cereal boxes have become more than just storage containers for brands. These let brands exhibit their core features, brand story and details to the end users in an enticing manner.

Adding interactive features to these boxes, such as 3D games, puzzles, and Augmented Reality, brands can allow the consumers to spend a memorable unboxing time, playing games and enjoying interactive experiences. These features foster customer loyalty and make the brand’s cereals a super-hit.

Not to forget, brands can also consider adding QR codes, that further redirect these consumers to healthy recipes, nutrient insights and brand’s story. Thus, digital integration has paved ways for cereal brands to stand out firm in the saturated market.

Insights into the Life Cycle of a Cereal Box

The journey of a cereal box starts primarily with forests, precisely from the pine or spruce trees, that are further harvested, chopped and processed into paperboard, either virgin or recycled ones. These are then printed with soy inks that are quite eco-friendly as compared to other alternatives.

Most of the time, these boxes are recyclable, thus eliminating the need for crafting new packaging from scratch. The inner plastic bags might pose a challenge somehow, as it is non-recyclable in nature.

A Chance to Contribute to Eco-Preservation

With the rising concerns of customers toward eco-preservation, the safety of the environment has become a major concern for all cereal brands. These brands know the discerning needs of customers regarding the safety of surroundings, thereby putting in dire efforts to use green materials and approaches that lead to versatile quality cereal packaging boxes.

All cereal brands thus strive to craft a packaging that is not only recyclable and reusable but also compostable. The cherry on the top is, the inclusion of a recyclable paper wrapper, an initiative taken by NESTLE, that is worth-admiration.

With this trend, many of the brands have taken inspiration and are already trying to follow this approach in crafting the packaging. These initiatives are quite helpful in promoting a circular economy.

Custom Printed Cereal Boxes- A Perfect Depiction of Modern Culture & Values

With time, cereal boxes have covered a long way, and become a top icon in pop art and fashion. These may include images of top fashion icons and trends, that might invoke the interest of all those who keep an eye on the emerging fashion trends.

Brands also introduce specific limited or special edition boxes that feature strong visuals or the picture of any of their cultural sensation, thereby enticing the target audience to give that particular product a try.

As we look into the future of these boxes, it seems brighter than ever. Brands are trying to incorporate all the modern approaches and techniques that portray their commitment to sustainability and green practices in front of the respective target audience. The incorporation of latest trends, minimal designs and strong visuals, all count towards making these boxes a strong contender for the top spot in the respective marketplace.

To get high quality custom cereal boxes, look no further than CPP Boxes that serve as a timeless option to all those seeking innovative packaging solutions.

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