
Battling Abandoned Carts to Effective Email Marketing Strategy: The Best Tips

More often than not, a customer visits a website of their favorite online store and chooses a thing they liked... but at the last moment ditches the purchase, leaving the goods lying alone in the cart and never being bought. Sadly, there are millions of such cases, and every marketer has long known that there is no better way to work with an abandoned cart than sending personalized newsletters. In this and many other ways, potential buyers will be delivered the right content and possibly make a purchase.

Many reports say that customers leave their purchases unfinished for a variety of common reasons. Gladly, the solutions for such problems have been already invented, find them at; it's only important to apply them properly. We are talking about additional incentive tools, such as discounts and coupons. So, find a few useful and interesting insights about abandoned carts below.

How Abandoned Carts Can Bring Profit

Relevance and correct timing are very important in any process, as they are drivers of such sales. Thus, the abandoned cart mailings received some of the highest statistical indicators among the providers' mailings. A couple of essential factors should be considered in the abandoned carts issue. The key factors of successful abandoned cart monetization are:

  • the number of notifications;
  • the timing of the message;
  • message formatting;
  • the offer that comes along with the message.

Each element is equally important and, if considered properly, can bring lots of profit and benefits. Yet, diving into the specifics of every element can be somewhat complex and time-consuming. So, here are some of the most important points to remember.

Quality over Quantity

The first common problem among e-commerce marketers is to determine the number of letters. After all, this is how you can maximize sales without irritating users. The click rate in the e-commerce market is also a very important indicator. Yes, you probably guessed that there can be no unimportant indicators here. After all, in business, the most interesting thing is the importance of profit from conversion from mailings.

According to numerous studies, it can be concluded that those retailers who sent their customers 3 letters with a reminder about the abandoned cart maximized their profits. It turns out that, according to the results of the analysis, mailings of 4 and even 5 letters are more profitable than one letter. Let's analyze how important the strategy of returning to the basket and the push is.

First of all, we should note that the letter was sent immediately after the user abandoned the cart, and the relevance of the message was higher than ever. Choosing such a scenario for stimulating the client meant giving up additional profit for the company. Ultimately, it turns out that those who continued to motivate their potential consumers to complete their purchases for the second and third time were in a 6 times more advantageous position. Thus, those who did not do this (their competitors) found themselves in a worse situation.

That being said, a few conclusions come to mind right away. First and foremost, 1 letter after an abandoned cart is clearly not enough if you want to maximize your profit. But 5 letters are too much. Statistics are crucial in this matter, which confirms that 2-3 letters are the best option. In this way, you continue to earn money, and customers are not yet tired of imposed communication. This is a win-win situation.

Second, timing is also important. The seller that sends the first reminder letter 5 hours after the cart becomes abandoned can lose the purchase. The conclusion is obvious: the later the letter is sent, the worse the recovery rate can be. For a successful business, you should note that the clock is always ticking, and every minute counts.

Are Email Subjects Important?

Performance indicators are not far behind the ones mentioned above. The content begins with the subject of the emails themselves. Do not underestimate the importance of this work, because this is the first and often decisive touch point between the brand and the client in email communication. Marketers often make the email subjects more personal and emotional with the help of emojis. Surprisingly or not, contrary to the prejudices of many, this option also works well. Emotions and other emojis appear to have a positive effect on the basket and eventually lead to a purchase.

The Power of Coupons

What happens when you add a little extra to the letter about abandoned carts and offer customers a coupon for a product or a discount can do magic. Coupons almost perfectly engage users in communication average open rate is much higher and can go pretty stellar. After all, a person interested in a purchase but hesitant to make the final decision will likely have their confidence boosted even with a minor discount on something they really want.

More Tips and Takeaways

Personalized discount is perhaps the most popular type of discount among brands. One way to express such a discount is a coupon for the goods in an abandoned cart. The statistics show that they lead to a significant increase in profit per subscriber.

Free or discounted shipping is an important indicator. High shipping prices are often the number 1 reason why customers abandon their carts. A good shipping offer is a good incentive if it is indicated in the subject line of the letter and immediately catches the eye.

So, one of the main takeaways for abandoned carts would be always paying attention to the recovery rate. You should know how many of your abandoned carts were brought to a logical conclusion after the email newsletter. Second, take a closer look at the subject lines of the letters and open rates. And third, try sending coupons to customers in the newsletter. Should you apply more personalized strategies and techniques to your customers, their baskets will never remain full.

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