
Essential Data Security Measures for Software Companies

Software companies handle data ranging from terabytes to petabytes and above. This data is generated from source code, personal records, logs, and customer information. These companies require robust measures to safeguard this information from being compromised by malicious people. Security procedures may range from intrusion detection to security awareness training, encryption, and end-point protection.

Here are robust security measures that software brands should take.

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Training employees on security awareness

Using advanced data security products might not help much if employees do not understand what online safety is all about. Security awareness refers to the level of understanding employees have towards data vulnerabilities and protection. It includes their attitude towards proactive safety measures on all physical and soft digital assets of a company. 

Taking the right security measures requires software brands to understand the structure of security flaws in their systems. SAST tools provide the infrastructure for testing and identifying flaws, highlighting their source and the best action. With static application security testing tools, developers are certain to detect flaws during SDLC. Read about SAST here to understand what it is and how it works. In short, SAST uses the white box testing model, allowing access to the underlying framework and design. This lets the tool test the code or app inside and out and find vulnerabilities earlier. 

Training makes employees aware of safety challenges and the need for alertness. It teaches them about the damages caused by breaches including legal, reputation, cost, and trust setbacks. Create awareness of hacking or breach detection and real-time security measures. Help them learn about defensive and offensive protection mechanisms. 

Protect stored and transit data

Organizational security should be based on priorities and real-time protection measures. Data is a priority asset that includes stored data and information in transit. Both should be given close attention and secured from third-party influence and control. 

Protect this information by securing communication protocols like SSH and HTTPS. Know the users and entities or people involved in storage or transmission. Use authentication protocols like TLS (Transport Layer Security) to prevent loss or tampering of stored or transit data. 

Protect data endpoints

Physical security is concerned with what two measures are crucial for device and software data protection such as passive and active safety precautions. These measures are aimed at deterring intrusion and preventing illegal access. It prevents damage and theft of devices and data. To protect data, safeguard the points through which users get access to your network on different devices. 

These could be smartphones, computers, or workstations. Hackers nowadays access company systems by remotely connecting through weak and vulnerable end-points. Security for these entry points may vary from strong passwords to MFAs, firewalls, and endpoint monitoring. Protect these devices too with secure screen locks, antivirus tools, and regular system updates.

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Secure cloud storage solutions

The cloud is a popular off-premise storage that provides infrastructure scalability, advanced security, and backup solutions. Protecting the cloud involves deciding how data moves from the cloud and into it. Data could be intercepted while migrating it to the cloud which is why the importance of security should never be ignored. Cloud storage protection may take multiple approaches to create a strong safety wall around your data. 

  • Understand the user agreement data by the provider. The provider might provide limited or advanced protection. Understand the agreement, and the security role expected from you, and take the necessary precautions.
  • Protect stored and transit data. Encrypt data before moving it to the cloud and vice versa. Protect the sources it is coming from like customer accounts and employee devices.
  • Prepare backups. Many brands use the cloud as a backup solution but regardless, have more than one backup. The cloud network security measures include having a recovery plan in case you experience a breach. 
  • Create attack alerts. Alerts help you know when there is an attempted breach. This system scans the system 24/7 and sends alerts of suspicious activities.

Implement a secure software development lifecycle

Software development goes through an elaborate lifecycle including code design, testing protocols, and launching plan. The big question could be - why is security important at this point? The entire SDLC ought to be secure since it is a sensitive phase.

Security in SDLC protects the software, and your brand, and eliminates risks and exaggerated costs. It eliminates software vulnerabilities and prevents potential threats that could become a setback to the project. Implement continuous security testing, and reviews, and create a robust security structure around the code.

Understand the compliance needs of software companies

The role of data protection software companies is not limited to providing security solutions. These IT security companies have a responsibility to ensure they meet compliance needs. These companies fall under regulatory laws like CCPA and GDPR. They can be penalized for failing to meet the benchmarks and responsibilities for handling data. Create a structure for ensuring your brand complies with these laws and trains employees to be knowledgeable about them.

Implement a zero-trust security model

Zero-trust security model differs from the traditional approach where software companies trust their workers and users to handle security issues. Everyone can no longer be trusted due to the changing causes of security flaws. Human errors, neglect, and intentional actions are leading causes of breaches. Due to this, trust no one and implement strict access controls into devices and systems. These controls may include a lock screen, passwords, 2FAs, and security scans. 


Software companies are targeted by hackers and other malicious people more than any other entity due to the sensitive data they handle. They require robust security measures to protect their data, comply with laws, and build customer trust. Their protection strategy may include controlled access, training, and securing their SDLC. They should protect their endpoints, and the cloud, and understand the changing security trends.

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