
How to Stay Motivated While Preparing for a Language Test

Stay motivated while preparing for a language test with effective strategies, study tips, and mindset techniques to boost confidence and success.

Language tests are a way to prove your knowledge of a language after years of study. If you are applying to university abroad, they are often mandatory. 

Preparing for a language test usually requires months of hard work. It can be hard to stay motivated during such a long process, especially when you are nervous about the outcome.

Here are a few tips that can help you stay motivated while studying for a language test, and also transfer that motivation into a high score.

Remember Why You Are Taking the Test 

Remember Why You Are Taking the Test 


Photo by Lara Jameson from Pexels:

The best motivation is to remember why you are taking the language test in the first place. This can help you reframe any nerves that you have around the test. Instead of looking at the language exam as something that you need to finish, look at it as a necessary step on the way to your goals. 

If you want to study or work abroad, think about your goal after the required language exam to motivate you while you are studying.

Even if you are not taking the exam as part of a university requirement, it can be very beneficial to have it on your CV. Institutions of higher education such as the University of Queensland have found that being multilingual can help you advance in your career in multiple fields. 

Make sure that you stay focused on this goal even when studying becomes stressful. Try creating a vision board or motivational wall where you can remind yourself why you are taking the exam in the first place.

Take a Preparation Course 

Taking a structured preparation course can help you feel more prepared than just self-studying. Dedicated instructors go over concepts and can give you real-time feedback if you are doing well or not.

When looking for courses, make sure that you find one that is tailored specifically to the exam that you are taking, as different exams for the same language can have different formats. Look for an IELTS course if you are taking the IELTS exam, which is required for most English-speaking universities. A structured preparation course can also help you stay more motivated. Having professors or fellow students around you creates a sense of accountability. You are driven to study because you know that other people are counting on you.

Study With a Group

Study With a Group


Even outside of a formal course, studying with a group can be beneficial. Other members of your study group may understand parts of the material that you struggle with, and they will be able to help you out. 

Study groups are also great for building motivation. Study partners hold you accountable for your studying goals and can help motivate you if you are going through a rough patch. Many universities encourage their students to form study groups for these reasons. 

You can form a study group in person or online if there are no people studying for the same exam in your area. Ask around local schools if anyone else is preparing for the same language exam, or post on popular forums. You just need one or two other motivated people to create a study group.

Focus on Material That Gives You Trouble

One of the main problems people run into when preparing for a language test is that they get overwhelmed. After all, you have to cram knowledge about an entire language into your head—it can often feel impossible to be ready for the test. 

Instead of trying to study everything, identify areas that give you trouble. You can do this by taking a practice exam or by noticing which parts of a study book you tend to struggle through.

Then, focus on reviewing this part of the material. Look up grammar guides for phrases and grammar constructs that give you trouble. Focus on practicing skills that you notice you’re struggling with, such as essay writing. 

Focusing on certain problem areas rather than reviewing the entire body of material is the more efficient way to study. It can also improve your motivation. This way, you will notice progress faster as you cover more difficult material. The material that you have to study will also feel less overwhelming.

Make Sure to Take Breaks

Make Sure to Take Breaks


When preparing for a big exam such as a language test, most people make the mistake of dedicating all of their time to studying. After all, with such a crucial exam on your plate, any spare time should be dedicated to studying.

However, this is the incorrect approach to take. If you spend all of your time studying, you’re more likely to burn out and lose motivation for your goals. Your studying will also be inefficient because your brain will be too overworked to absorb any more information.

Taking frequent breaks while studying for a big exam such as this one is the best way to stay motivated. You give your brain a chance to relax, ensuring that when you sit down to study again, you’ll be ready to absorb more material. 

Breaks are also crucial to your health. Making sure that you are drinking enough water, exercising, and eating healthy meals rather than snacks and energy drinks will help you stay healthy, which is important for studying. Taking breaks to do something fun, such as seeing a friend, is important for your mental health and will help with overall motivation.

Keeping Your Motivation for the Exam Ahead

At this point, the expression “it’s a marathon, not a sprint” has become a bit of a cliche, but it is frequently repeated for a reason. Preparing for a big exam such as a language test requires weeks, sometimes months, of preparation. Keeping up your morale during that time is almost as important as studying the right material. 

There are many different ways to stay motivated while studying, such as finding a study group, maintaining healthy habits, or taking a course. Different tactics work for different people. Take time to figure out what works for you and keep your focus on your goal!

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